Sunday, October 25, 2015


According to the National Institute of Statistics in Spain (2015) the total population is about 46,439,000 people. 

In 2014:

  • Total fertility rate was ~1.32
  • Crude birth rate ~9.1 (per 1000)
  • Crude death rate ~8.5 (per 1000)
  • Total population: 82.4 years
  • Male: 78.8 years
  • Female: 85.2 years

The urban population growth in Spain is ~79% (2013) Pictured above is the capital city of Madrid (population ~3.16 million)The total literacy rate in Spain is ~98% among adults (2013) 

In Spain, April 23rd is known as La Diada de Sant Jordi, St. George Day. It is known as a Spanish rendition of Valentines Day except that books and roses are exchanged. This holiday is celebrated nationwide but in Madrid and Barcelona, children are released from school early to exchange gifts with other children throughout the city. Personally, this was one of the most interesting things I saw on my trip to Spain back in 2014. Children have so much freedom in the bigger cities from what I have seen and the parents are able to check in on them during the siesta held everyday at ~2:30pm. 

Barcelona is located in the province of Catalonia which has been seeking independence for generations. The population of Barcelona is ~1.602 million. If Catalonia were to gain independence, Spain would lose approximately 16% of its total population which would greatly effect the economy and daily life. 

Health and Travel

Make sure you are up to date on all routine vaccines. Some doctors may recommend the Hepatitis A vaccine as well due to the possible food and water contamination. From personal experience, the food did not cooperate with my body at all after the trip due to the extremely fresh and lack of processed foods. To protect yourself against digestive issues, bring snacks with you so you can have a safe/ alternative meal whenever you are unsure of eating the food. 

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Thematic Maps

Thematic maps are maps of a specific subject or for a specific purpose. For example, thematic maps can be used to portray physical, political, and even agricultural aspects of a specific region or country. 

I chose these specific maps because I know relativity a lot about Spain and the different aspects within the nation. The different types of elevation throughout Spain are very different than in the United States because one minute you could be deep in a valley and the next you could wind up in a mountainous hill. The population map is also very interesting because of the vast emptiness of the country in places that are not close to cities whatsoever. The last map of land utilization is very simple based on the landscapes of the different regions throughout Spain. 

Elevation Map

This map shows the different types of elevations in Spain ranging from hills to mountains. 


Population Map

This map shows the population throughout Spain.


Land Utilization Map

This map shows how the land is utilized throughout Spain.